How to optimise your website for voice search

As voice search continues to grow in popularity, optimizing your website for this trend is crucial forstaying ahead of the competition. In 2023, it was estimated that over 40% of internet users in the UnitedStates and more than 30% in Europe used voice search on a regular basis. With the increasing use of AIassistants like […]

What is Amazon TACoS and Why it Matters

Most marketers working on Amazon advertising obsessively focus on ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sales) and ROAS, which measure the direct sales generated by ad investments. For example, if you generate €1,000 in sales by investing €500 in ads, your ACoS would be 50%. We all know that on Amazon, advertising ensures your product appears in […]

Google Search Algorithm exposed

Last week, Google experienced a 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝐀𝐏𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. A set of signals on how Google Search works, what it cares about, how it ranks content… we got an unprecedented look into Google’s inner workings. The leak has been shared, reported and documented by renowned SEO experts Rand Fishkin and Mike King. Amidst […]

Why am I losing the buy box on Amazon?

win amazon buy box

Everybody is talking about the “buy box”, recently renamed “featured offer”, when discussing Amazon’s performances. But what is the buy box on Amazon? The buy box is the highlighted area in the Amazon’s product page directly linked to the “add to cart” and “buy now” button.  If a consumer does not modify the list of […]

Amazon Belgium’s 1-Year Anniversary

Amazon Belgium

On Tuesday October 17th, the naYan marketplace team joined Amazon Belgium’s 1st Anniversary event in Brussels. One year after its launch, Amazon Belgium already sold five million products and includes over 1200 SME’s generating €200 million in export revenue. A huge opportunity for SME companies With € 14.7Bn total online turnover in Belgium in 2022 […]

3 Key Factors Defining The Marketplace Delivery Experience  

marketplace delivery experience

Marketplaces are booming in Europe. In just two years, marketplace revenue doubled, reaching €200 Billion in 2022 (1). This remarkable growth presents significant opportunities for retailers, but it can also be challenging to stand out from the competition in an increasingly crowded field.  Increasingly, it is the marketplace delivery experience that makes or breaks a […]

Tell your brand’s story: authenticity in the age of AI


There is no bigger story in 2023 than the rise of AI in ecommerce. From personalized shopping experiences to AI chatbots to content creation to demand forecasting, AI is predicted to radically transform the ecommerce landscape for both consumers and businesses.

Think your usual ecommerce practices will win the buy box on marketplaces? Think again.

buy box winnen

Once you’ve got your ecommerce brandsite growing and operating well, the natural next step is to look for opportunities to reach new customers. For many businesses, it may make sense to consider selling on a marketplace like Amazon,, Zalando or La Redoute. Marketplaces give your products a built-in audience, brands can enjoy the consumer […]

4 SEA best practices to implement right now

SEA best practices

Chances are high you have had to rethink your Paid Search Marketing strategy since Coronavirus. In this article, we highlight the most important tactics you will need to employ during this crisis.

When brands become retailers

brands becoming retailers

A retail apocalypse is happening with stores seemingly closing down everywhere. Nevertheless, a number of strong brands have been able to swim against the current by opening their own new sales channels. Brands that become retailers themselves: a survival strategy that works? Recently, Levi’s announced plans to open as many as 100 new stores in […]